engagement session

Michael and Brandi are one of my Nebraska couples, but decided to come down to KC for their engagement session to do something a bit different!  Of course we planned this trip way in advance, and had no idea that the date they picked would be the date of the last snow this season, but […]


Jake & Megan met through a mutual friend.  They both knew that the other person must be pretty cool to be friends with their mutual friend, so they gave it a try.  On their first date, they just couldn’t stop hanging out with each other.  Friday turned into a whole weekend, and at that point […]


My husband, Ben, and I decided when we got married that we wanted to have a date night every week.  Life can get crazy, but we knew that if we created good habits early on we’d be able to hold onto those as life gets more hectic.  We know that being able to spend quality […]


David and Faith are dear friends of my husband’s and mine.  They got married this last August, so I figured it was about time to share their engagement session.  We had such an amazing time wandering around the University of Michigan’s campus (where the bride went to college).  Here are just a few of my […]


I’ve been bad at blogging, but I’m trying to get better.  As a showcase of that, I’m excited to share an engagement session with you that I did last December.  I know, it’s been awhile, but with their wedding coming up this Sunday (eek!!) I figured it was about time 🙂   Rachel has been […]


Ben & Meagan’s love story is defiantly one tied to KU, so it totally made sense to do their engagement session on campus!  They met in class, and spent lots of time attending KU games together, specifically basketball.  The other important element that we wanted to make sure we included in their session was their […]


This engagement session was seriously something out of a dream.  Matt & Ellen were one of the easiest couples to photograph I’ve ever had, and the location was one of the most beautiful I’ve ever had the opportunity to shoot.  This session was a long time coming, but totally worth the wait!!   When Matt […]


I met Meghan at a bridal show, and we instantly clicked.  And when we found out that we not only had the same name but that we spelled it the same, we knew it was meant to be.  Since she decided to book me without Kristian even meeting me, she was a bit nervous, but […]